Holiday USA 2016
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Day 1: Chicago, Mission "free Hollie" Day 1   (Sunday 31st July 2016)
Day 2: A visit with our Amish friends.   (Monday 1st August 2016)
Day 3: Mission Hollie Complete !   (Tuesday 2nd August 2016)
Day 4: Today was mostly about churches (by Hollie).   (Wednesday 3rd August 2016)
Day 5: Lake Itasca to Lake Superior.   (Thursday 4th August 2016)
Day 6: Feeling Superior   (Friday 5th August 2016)
Day 7: Sleeping Bear Dunes & 100 yrs of Coast Guard Aviation.   (Saturday 6th August 2016)
Day 8: Meet me in St Louis   (Sunday 7th August 2016)
Day 9: Six Flags (Part 1)   (Monday 8th August 2016)
Day 10: Six Flags (Part 2 )   (Tuesday 9th August 2016)
Day 11: Grand Ole Opry , best seats in the house !   (Wednesday 10th August 2016)
Day 12: Nashville   (Thursday 11th August 2016)
Day 13: The lost sea to Davy Crockett.   (Friday 12th August 2016)
Day 14: Ocoee wild water   (Saturday 13th August 2016)
Day 15: Hen pecked in Georgia on the way to Albama   (Sunday 14th August 2016)
Day 16: Some bald old rocks & another lake.   (Monday 15th August 2016)
Day 17: Panama city beach   (Tuesday 16th August 2016)
Day 18: Dolphin encounter.   (Wednesday 17th August 2016)
Thursday 18th August 2016

New Orleans here we come !

Back in time to our journey into Panama City beach and a shot of a lightening strike, which hit a telegraph pole just a few feet from us, Ian isolated this still shot from my video footage.

Orange beach gave us another brilliant wake up view , but no time to enjoy the beach .

Styx river , an hours drive away .. We paid our money and were driven 4 miles upstream for a lazy river ride back to our car.

This unorthodox method of travel, seats made from 2x4's bolted to the flat bed of the owners truck.

Again the cold tea coloured water boasted " no jellyfish" well thats a relief !

Our extra orange floatie, was designed to hold our cool box & was tied to one if us with string. Certainly big enough to hold a small grandmother carrying a port & lemon.

We had a few encounters with bushes and low hanging branches, which deposited dry leaves , spiders & assorted bugs on the unlucky rafter.

After about 30 minutes the sky began to rumble & fat rain drops splattered us, we pulled out onto a small beach for a while.
The storms didn't seem to be getting closer so we continued on, glad to see the finish line after our 2 hr+ float.

Well as they say , a little bit of bull goes a long way.
Having requested a private balcony as it was our "anniversary " ( Not ). The balcony was not possible , however our bell boy delivered a card & bottle of champagne.
These 2 idiots were on their 2nd glass, before I was even out of the shower !

Fortunately there was a glass left for me !

Hollie comented that it was easy to see how a place like Bourbon Street , could scare the beejeezus out of a 13 yr old kid, which she was on our last visit.

I think grown up Hollie was much more chilled , particularly with 2 glasses of my champagne & a cocktail or 2 inside her !

Cheers all , dinner at Pier 24 , the usual fare of pasta , seafood,  Salad & fries.

A stroll home through the revellers, to our Place De Armes Hotel deep in the French Quarter to enjoy the rest of our "Not anniversary"..

Good night all xxx

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Day 20: Oak Alley Plantation & The Natchez.   (Friday 19th August 2016)
Day 21: Airboats & baby alligators   (Saturday 20th August 2016)
Day 22: New Orleans & Ghostly happenings...   (Sunday 21st August 2016)
Day 23: Race to the space shuttle.   (Monday 22nd August 2016)
Day 24: A fond farewell from Houston   (Tuesday 23rd August 2016)