USA 2024 The 3 Bears +1
Sunday 4th August 2024

Ticket to ride.

Good morning all!
04.45 Taxi ( Mini bus ) pick up, apparently we have too much luggage for a regular taxi. Heathow was just waking up upon our arrival, so were we,

07.30 Traditional pint & a fry up time : )

Our plane was a shiney new one.

Buckling in for 10.5 hours to LAX.

NEVER book a rental car with AVIS, after a bone rattling shuttle bus transfer, It took 2.5 hours to be served at the Avis office.. Poor Ian & Ben queued with about 100 other tired & grumpy travellers moving around a cramped chicane, waiting for 4 assistants to process their bookings, at last we were out into the sunshine, and away in our enormous battle bus!

We headed off into the rush hour traffic and onto the freeway, past Hawthorne & the SpaceX headquarters, Ians favourite Falcon 9 rocket poking its head up into the sky.
To Lakewood Drive Downey for another US cultural Icon.

This largely original building is the site of the worlds 1st McDonalds ( Franchise ).
Anyone who has seen the movie will recognise the outside ordering system, order your meal then head to a more modern covered veranda area to enjoy your meal.

The restaurant also boasts a modest McDonalds museum.

Including a "multi mixer" the device the McDonalds creator was selling when he hit on his billion dollar idea,

Anyhoo folks its been a long day, time for a bit of shut eye in our Desert Villa Besty Westy Hotel..

Sleep well reader..

Comments: (7)

"Hope the jet lag isn’t too horrific! I’m looking forward to reading more posts. Love to all xx" - Jess

"Hope the jet lag isn’t too horrific! I’m looking forward to reading more posts. Love to all xx" - Jess

"Enjoy yourselves. 1st time on a vlog. " - Aiaha

"Enjoy yourselves. 1st time on a vlog. " - Aiaha

"Battle bus looks magnificent, can imagine how excited Ian was at the falcon 9! " - Gareth

"Vlog virgin here! Sure looks like you\'ve got yourself a convoy. " - Anne

"Vlog virgin here! Sure looks like you\'ve got yourself a convoy. " - Anne

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Monday 5th August 2024

Death Valley the tour

An early up and away from Barstow, Ben takes the wheel of the battle bus for our Death Valley adventure.

First stop Badwater and the vast salt flats, where the hottest temperature on earth was recorded. The temperature hovered around 50 degrees making our trips out of the car breif!

Ben and Ian took to the flats and walked out a few hundred yards, they were glad of the air conditioned sanctuary of the car upon their return.

Artists Palate, a 9 mile scenic loop showcasing the colours and striations of the rocky landscape.

From this vantage point the whole valley opens up before you, the blistering heat dropping to a much cooler 46 degrees!

Dantes point was our final destination, via the twisting sheer sided roads, blasted through the rocks.

Another hour or so to the hustle & bustle of Vegas, our rooms for the night in The golden hued Mandalay Bay Hotel.

The Pyramid shaped Luxor hotel next door, with its distinctive Sphynx.

Dinner at "Flankers" a sports bar within the vast hotel complex,

Hollie and Ben tried their hands at roulette and walked away after a couple of spins, having almost broken even.

Ben found the Guiness shop.

Final stop the "One" The Michael Jackson show, by Cirque De Soleil, quite a spectacular..

Well good night dear reader..Viva Las Vegas.

Comments: (2)

"Good morning dears" - Aisha 789

"almost broken even sounds like some kind of \"code\" .. must remember that one!! appreciated the panorama shot.. new feature for the blog!" - 789

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Tuesday 6th August 2024

Vegas to Peacemaker Ranch

Goodbye to The Mandalay Bay, a boiling hot Las Vegas morning,

We parked at the Bellagio and walked a couple of miles along the strip, passing Gordon Ramsays Hells Kitchen.

We were aiming for the Venitian & breakfast in our long time favourite, canal side Tintoretto's restaurant..Sadly no longer there.
We stopped for our meal at Prime Burger.

We strolled around around the Venitians, signature canal side shops,

Ben and Ian were keen to see the Sphere, a venue new to Vegas.
The enormous globe was closed but is massively impressive from the outside.

Another 1st for us a trip to the "Welcome" sign,
We queued with several dozen other visitors to get our iconic picture, Dean the Volunteer photographer, took some great pics  for us, happily accepting our tip.

Final stop of the day "The Peacemaker Ranch " a cattle ranch\ petting zoo\ holiday let ranch with a small but comfortable cabin for us.
Ian & Ben ventured to the top of the steep messa to capture this stunning view.

We have some technical issues but plan to add more pics later.

Sleep well faithful reader x

Comments: (1)

"I am assuming the technical issues involve pictures of Ian being mauled at the petting zoo? intrigued as to what animals were involved? " - 789

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Wednesday 7th August 2024

Goodbye Apple Valley

Our compact cabin at Peacemaker Ranch served us well. The clear sky and remote location, made star gazing good for Bear.

Early we left to go tubing.

Zion Tubing , an all girl outfit took us 5 minutes up the road in the obligatory yellow school bus.

We selected our luxury tube, complete with seat and mini backrest.

The water was a welcome chance to cool down, the sun soon resuming its 40+ degree temperatures!

We drifted down the river covering approximately 1.7 miles in just over an hour.
Occasionally running aground in the shallows, or over rocks.

Burger stop for the hungry..Carls Jr.

After a cooling dip in the hotel pool we glam'd up for a short walk to main street, Glorias had live music with a guy playing Johnny Cash covers.

The boys in their matching shirts! We sat next to a family from Bognor Regis!
We all ate well and couldn't finish our American size meals.

Well back to the Apache Motel, which is currently for sale. Can anyone loan me 6.5 Million Dollars?

Sleep well dear reader, more adventure tomorrow. xx

Comments: (2)

"Can loan you 100 " - Aisha

"I can\'t imagine being from bognor has the desired effect when you are talking to citizens of the US.. it is a uniquely sounding name.. the gun theming at \"peacemaker\" ranch is pretty fantastic!" - 789

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Thursday 8th August 2024

UTV Adventures

Moab Tour Company provided us with 2  Universal Terrain Vehicles for our morning tour.

We cruised noisily around the streets, passing our Motel at a sedate 15 miles an hour as per local ordinance.

Our group led by Tim, an experienced guide made its way over the crazy rocky terraine. This area boasts a variety sharp rocky outcrops featuring various " Hell Based " titles including Hells revenge, Hells gate and many more hair raising rides.

A water stop at the Colorado River overlook.

After a few hours of deafening engines and bone rattling decents, we drove back to the tour office.

Ben & Ian decided to climb to the delicate arch, the famous stunning feature of Arches National Park.

Ben & Ian battled the 40 degree heat, 1.6 miles each way to capture these images at the Arch.

Hollie & I visited the shops and stopped at Spoke, a Cycle themed bar on Main Street.

Next stop a relaxing evening at Canyonlands Day & Night River cruise,
First an all you can eat ranch style buffet.

Then an informative and relaxing cruise along the river, culminating in a light show against the ancient rock faces.

Those of us who didn't snooze on the boat ( 50% ) .. we all returned to the motel for a well earned sleep.

Goodnight dear reader from sporty Moab x

Comments: (1)

"I liked the wooden bears at the fountain most" - Gareth 789

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Friday 9th August 2024

Westwater White water rafting

Good morning campers! Another early start and off to Sheri Griffith Outfitters for our white water adventure.

We boarded a rickety mini bus for a 1.5 hour drive to our Colorado river put in.
Our entertainment for the ride, a group of college re-union lads merrily drinking Costco Tequila from water bottles.

We had Addy as our guide. her experience spanning 11 seasons in Moab.

The Colorado River officially has "Water you can chew".
Most of the journey was a relaxed affair with swimming opportunities, which cooled us down.

After our deli sandwich lunch the rapids became more fast and furious, with mad titles like Skull rapid & Socket to me! We managed to stay in the boat and no one lost any teeth.
All very exciting.

Back to base and a shower before heading out to dinner.. I like my date

Our dinner of Thai food was a relaxing end to the day, we headed across the street to "Spoke " again for a cooling beer before returning home.

Thanks to my beautiful sister for tuning in, Good to have Gareth back on board.. Lovin your comments x

Well another busy day dear reader, rest well hope to see you tomorrow.

Comments: (1)

"Ian looks suspiciously happy on the white water... Difficult for you guys to keep track of your drinks with all the red cups!" - Gareth

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Saturday 10th August 2024

Jamie The Nutty Navajo

After a few days in Moab, time to pack up and move on. Breakfast en route at High Desert Cafe.

After an eventful journey, having to off road past a jack knifed articulated lorry, we arrive at The Monument Valley Visitors Centre,

Paid for our park entry, and joined a party of 4 Italians for our tour.

The changable weather gave us a blast of heat to begin our adventure.

Elephant rock..Our lively guide Jamie, a pure bred Navajo began by running us through the names of the many rock formations, then giving us the native translations.

Inevitably the tour let us off, to explore the local arts and crafts available for sale.

We learned the big flat rocks are Mesas, the medium sized are Butes and the smaller narrow columns are known as Spires.

Jamie had a couple of the Italian ladies do elegant jumps in front of the spires, he captured the moment on camera for them.. Guess who else wanted a go?

Thousands of years of wind and rain, have rendered these captivating holes in the sandstone.

Once again, Jamie posed us for one of his signature photos.

He offered to sing us a native song, followed by a haunting tune on his flute.

We wanted to capture the moment too.

Time to move on to the south rim of the Grand Canyon.

The light flurrys of rain we had all day, became more threatening.

Bens first views of the Canyon were not spoiled too much by the clouds.

The boys scaled "The watchtower" to enjoy the interior art & views from a higher vantage point.

The worsening weather & an emergency text advising that no travel should occur due to risk of flash floods, sent us on to the safety of our hotel.

Upon arrival at the Grand Canyon Inn we found them without power in the restaurant & Bar.

Fortunately with power restored, the Restaurant was able to serve us a magnificent dinnner, & Juan the nicest waiter in the world made our evening an absolute joy.

Weather permitting more adventures tomorrow dear reader xx

Tonights episode was sponsored by Auntie Chris's pet minding services.

Comments: (2)

"With your white water experiences a flash flood would seem harmless!!! Liking the holes too." - Caroline

"Ben\'s jumping is new to the \"channel\" thought I was on some fancy tik tok...\r\n\r\nI two enjoyed the \"wind holes\" I am hoping that Ian can give us a rendition of the haunting flute sounds on your return!" - Gareth

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Sunday 11th August 2024

The Grandest of Canyons

We started a trend by posing at the entrance sign, soon quite a queue formed.

On our waiter from last night Juans recommendation, we headed for El Tovar, a beautiful wooden hotel on the canyon rim, for a terrific breakfast.

We started our rim walk following a well maintained path, sample boulders highlighting the layers of rock and their position chronologically in the canyons past.

Ben brought out his fancy camera and treated us to some creative snaps..

Including this Zone-Tailed Hawk.

The breeze and occasional clouds offered fabulous views, and welcome relief from the heat.

The grand Canyons oldest rocks known as the Elves chasm Gneiss are 1,840 Million years old.

What a lovely view!!

We finished our 1.7 mile walk to the visitors centre. Ben & Ian took a stroll back for the car, while Hollie & I chilled, we met a sheltie called Luna.

I think the hike back gave bear a bit of a thirst.

We are staying in a lovely villa in Sedona called the Arroyo Roble. We strolled into Sedona for Pizza and Pasta.

Goodnight dear reader, hope to see you all tomorrow x

Comments: (1)

"The positions of the sign pose are very enjoyable... Like an album pose for a quirky hipster guitar band? Enjoyable level of day... " - Gareth

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Monday 12th August 2024

White Wolf and the flat earth

Mexican themed breakfast at Cafe Jose, awesome food at great prices.

Photo op at The Sedona McDonalds, the teal arches in accordance with local ordinance.

Sedona off road adventures, our destination for today.

We saddled up with our rather odd guide for the tour " White wolf ", a Canadian white guy who hailed from Washington State.

To be fair we only expected to see a local cliff formation, that resembles Snoopy or maybe a low mesa that looks like a lizard.
White wolf had other plans for us........

An ex chiropractor who was recently bankrupt, and in fear of his life from the " Authorites" due to his keen interest in herbal medicine & his claims to have cured 25 cancer patients.

We learned lots about the curative powers of the desert plants & cacti.

White wolf had lots of theories about, vortexes, magnetic mountains, space portals and the power of thinking from the heart.

We finished our tour and moved on to The Chapel of the Holy Cross, a bucket list visit for our resident R.E Teacher.

This beautiful modern chapel, cut into the side of the red rock cliffs, was a cool and tranquil interlude ( with a great gift shop ).

A brief dip before a thunder storm stopped play.

They have everything here, geriatric table tennis.

Geriatric pool, I was rubbish at both, but what a laugh!

Then back to our villa where Ben cooked some perfect steaks ( salad & sides by the ladies ).
A family of skunks that live behind the villa made an appearance, minus pong.

Great day, thanks for following along everyone.

Sleep well dear reader xx

Comments: (1)

"Crazy cacti guy sounded brilliant can\'t wait to hear about him from you guys!" - Gareth

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Tuesday 13th August 2024

Hello to my favourite Cacti the Saguaros

We had a very long drive from Sedona, we passed "The Boneyard".

A vast scrapyard for military and commercial aircraft, until recently you were able to access the site for a tour, sadly no more.

Bens choice of lunch today "Sonic Burgers" an unusual model, without an eat in area, (or public loo). Our meal was enjoyed on a concrete patio.

The Saguero is now a protected cactus, a campaign began in 1928 to protect these giants, after so many were lost to development.

In 1976 71,400 acres of wilderness, were dedicated to their protection.

These fascinating cacti are home to many bird and animal species.

After 50-70 years the cactus may develop an arm to counter balance, and aid stability.

The 9 mile loop road offered many chances to stop, for a slightly wonky photo op.

For the umpteenth time we check into the tired looking "Trail Riders Inn ", still great value.

After a freshen up we headed out for Dinner at "Big Nosed Kates".

Kate got her name not because she had a big nose, but because the was always in everyones business.

The bar was quiet and we enjoyed our meal, surrounded by these colourful stained glass images.

Then to the "4 Deuces" for a drink in the deserted bar, with the manager and her newest employee, the lovely Sarah.

Final stop "Doc Holidays" where we met an English girl from Norfolk, who is studying to be a vetinary technician.

Back at the Trail Riders, our obliging maintainance man Deano, had left the pool unlocked and ready to go for a midnight dip.

Goodnight dear reader another busy day done & dusted.

See you when the fog lifts x

Comments: (1)

"Positive cacti vibes on this one" - Gareth

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Wednesday 14th August 2024

Tombstone our 2nd home

A stroll along main street before breakfast at The OK Cafe.

We were all thirsty and opted for the bottomless lemonade.

We had a choice of a trolley tour or a horse drawn stage coach. We went for the stage coach and were treated to a non stop oration of the towns founding fathers and history by Jason the driver, who had bizarrely popped up at the 4 Deuces last night, a little worse for wear.

The short tour took us through the previous incarnations of many of the local buildings.

And outlined the order in which the buildings had events. that went on to culminate in the gunfight at the OK Corral

Once off the tour we chose to see the Comedy show.

Not only does Tombstone have a historical gunfight re-enactment 3 times daily, but also a more light hearted show.

Good guys Hooray, versus bad guys boooo.

The actors ( all pro's who have been in the Wyatt Earp type movies ) gave us a stunningly cheesy but fun filled 40 minute show.

The kids had a photo with the stars.

A lazy afternoon by the pool, Hollie and Ben went into town for an early cocktail & made friends with some locals at the Oriental Saloon, we joined a little later for Dinner at the chrystal Palace, and a farewell nightcap at the 4 Deuces.

Goodnight dear reader..We saddle up and move out at dawn x

Comments: (1)

"I feel that driving and 4 deuces is a difficult combo!!\r\nLove this guys" - Gareth

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Thursday 15th August 2024

The longest drive

We somehow needed to get from Tombstone to Anaheim, for our Disney Finale with the kids. A breakfast stop at a gas station with a Subway sandwich shop got us off to a good start. Ben noticed that if you complete a survey on your receipt you get 3 free cookies.. Thanks to a kind lady in the queue, we ended up with 9, well done Ben : )

To be fair the I10 offered very little in " Scenery", we passed acres of solar panels set out in fields along the interstate.

Hollie's turn to choose but " Dairy queen" eluded us so Burger King for lunch, Ben got a crown so it wasn't all bad, he also discovered the free food for surveys again...
We continued along the Interstate and the trim on our windscreen blew off! We decided not to brave the 4 lanes of traffic to retrieve it! The car functions perfectly well without it.

The Majestic Hotel Anaheim after 9 hours of  gruelling driving for Ben & Ian.. Finally the temperature guage registered a balmy 34 degrees after a day of 40+.

Ben & Hollie are off to the theme park for rides & fireworks, their excitement ( & Disney themed attire) is off the scale, our hotel offers a shuttle bus.

Ians withdrawl from Curry is sbout to be ended.

Gateway to India, with its challenging staff, lovely people but they struggled to answer our questions.

The meal was delicious, perhaps a little spicy..

Anyhow we have an early start tomorrow, aiming to beat the crowds and the heat, just seen the Disney fireworks over the liquor store in this mall!

Goodnight dear reader xx

Comments: (2)

"whats the story with the gateway to india\'s staff? please can you remind us of the back story?" - Gareth

"ps good work on the cookie survey Ben!" - Gareth

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Friday 16th August 2024

Star Wars The Rise of the Resistance.

Our first day in the park, and Hollie & Bens second! We arrived early and benefitted from cooler temperature.

Our first ride, a sedate Jungle cruise.

With a cheesy commentary from Captain Jeff.

Then Pirates of the Caribean.

With lots of thrills and sea shantys.

My favourite pic of this little lady xx

Our most favourite ride was the brand new, Star Wars The Rise of the Resistance. the many layers of this immersive ride stunned us.

We secured ourselves a spot at the bar in the "Cantina" (as seen in Star Wars on the planet Tattooine), amongst the aliens & strange sounding cocktails.

I really only wanted the drink with the weird foam, turns out I was the only one with a 10am alcoholic drink..Who knew?

Fruit Juice & Bubbles, even Bear approved.

While in the star wars themed area, we took a ride on the Millenium Falcon Simulator.

Perhaps you can tell, Ian is loving this adventure.

I have to admit the attention to detail is stunning, even the hand dryers in the loo are aged with patina and rusted.

We were hungry so once the restaurant opened, we swooped in for their Special fried chicken & mash x4.

Time for Ben & his princess to get a snap in front of the Magic Kingdom Castle.

Ian of course could not resist the chance for a smoochy picture with his Princess... Yeah Right !

Anyhoo a late afternoon of laundry and clearing out the car for me, while Ian snoozed, and the kids made the most of Magic Kingdom.

Ian & I returned to last nights Curry purveyors " Gateway to India" for round 2, Hollie & Ben are back in the park!

Last day as a 4 some tomorrow.. Will miss their faces.

Goodnight reader sleep well xx

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Saturday 17th August 2024

Disney's Calfornia Adventure

Day 2 at Disney, Our Hotel offers a useful theme park shuttle bus to the park.

Hollie and Ben really wanted to ride The Cars ride.

We rode in Giant Scalextric cars and had a hair raising race with another car.

I found my spirit car.. Day of the dead style.

Then off to the fairground section of the park, with some stomach churning old fashioned rides.

A view from the ferris wheel, complete with hyper swinging gondolas.

Hollie wished we had opted for a static one.

We did "Goofys flying school" a juddering wild mouse contraption.

The wilderness section features some familiar creatures!

We tried our luck on the raging river, in a family sized circular boat.

Hollie and Ben drew the short straw, getting saturated..I only had 1 soggy leg.

An hour plus queue ended our adventures to go on the Guardians of the Galaxy ride, which lives in the old "Tower of Terror " building..Before long it was time to bid Disney farewell.

A slightly less than elegant way to return on the shuttle bus, we barely caught the hourly run, and had to go luggage class, with a marine and his service dog " Clover".

Off to the airport to drop off the young 'uns, with a tiny tear in my eye.

Remind me, that I don't stay in hotels with numbers in their title. Horrid Motel 6 LAX with its cell like room and resident drunks, the gentle strains of the blaring traffic seem to be in the room!
Off to Panda Express for a Chinese,

A Bon voyage snap from Hollie & Ben before they board the flight home.

I will miss them, but not as much as Bens Costco card, which he loved to mention at every given opportunity.

Goodnight Dear Reader, I may or may not get any sleep tonight. xx

Comments: (1)

"highlight was the shuttle bus ride for me!! sitting down with lovely clover!! wooof" - Gareth

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Sunday 18th August 2024

Aloha from Big Island.

Goodbye ghastly Motel 6, and your elevators stinking of skunk..

We dropped off our haunted car at the Avis return fascility, no 2.5 hour wait to get rid of this lemon, with its unexpected radio bursts & non functioning auto wipers.

Our flight with Hawaiian airways was a relaxing venture, Ian having secured us a pair of seats by the loo's.

Well the arrival was as relaxed as the flight, straight off the plane & on to the tarmac, no imigration & straight out to the open air luggage carousel.

A taxi ride to the jeep hire place, equally laid back, not a soul there, the keys in a box under the vehicle.. Not sure they've seen Bears drivers licence start to finish!

A couple of hours later, via the supermarket, we arrive at our tropical cabin filled with everything "Owl " related, beside a beautiful babbling stream fed by its own personal waterfall. Our plans to use the outside BBQ scuppered by the army of mosquitoes, that had been forwarned about the arrival of my 40% proof blood.

So here's yours truly cooking up a storm on an electric hotplate, the room now stinks of fried onion & incinerated burgers.
A chance for a chat with Hollie, who has just waved Ben off to work,(Oh dear how sad) Would appear Chris has cleaned the house to within an inch of it's life, all pets well hoovered and floors gleaming, I expect Hollie to maintain this ..Tonight the night time creatures are noisier than last nights traffic, no air con, so it's fans and screened windows open.

Goodnight dear reader, or something equivalent in Hawaiian xx

Comments: (2)

"feels unexpected to be on Hawaii but I guess that\'s because I don\'t know the trip itinerary!!! have an amazing time guys!! so I guess it\'s just you two from now on? and the mosquitoes!! " - Gareth

"Pleased to say your BBQ worked a treat! No sign of any mosquitoes, just 2 dogs & 2 cats who now have a taste for fillet steak. Have a wonderful time x" - Chris

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Monday 19th August 2024

Waipio Valley tour

We woke early and once I was liberally coated in Deet, we took a stroll around our gardens, we made a call to Mum & Ron who had got confused with the time here in Hawaii & thought it was Christmas.

Ian met a funky little lizard.

We took a 3 minute walk to the Art Gallery come Waipio Valley tour pick -up stop,

The offering stone, meant to thank the gods for their bounty.

For a thousand years Waipio has been producing Taro, a root vegetable that has to be boiled for many hours in order to be palatable and make a food called Poi. In the 1800's western contact brought disease to the local population, along with an influx of other nationalities, diluting the Hawaiian bloodlines.

The ornamental Umbrella plant.

We stopped for several breaks to take snaps and cool us down.
The many shallow waterways feed the Taro fields, which propogate the plants, Rice paddy style.

The tallest constantly flowing waterfall in the US is their pride & Joy, with the legend of a beautiful princess who jumped to her doom with her commoner love interest, creating this natural feature.

The monkey nut tree, the tree bears large nuts, but no Monkies,
We are lucky enough to be here in the fruit season, their moto " If you starve to death , it can only be because you are lazy", literally every tree is bearing fruit.

The beautiful Pagoda flower, flowers once a year.

A late lunch at the food truck ( Tha areas only option ) I had The Hawaiian plate with Kalua Cabbage, Lau Lau, Chicken, Long Rice, Lomi Lomi, Salmon & pork roasted in leaves. Ian had Fish & Chips..Adventurous as always.

A final visit to the magnificent viewpoint, to reflect on the fragility of life in this place, in 1946 a tidal wave destroyed much of the valley, Tsunami and tidal waves still damage the valley quite regularly.

Lazy afternoon away from the Mozzies for me..

Sleep well dear reader..We are on our way again tomorrow! x

Comments: (1)

"I think that lizard is a spiritual helper.. I\'ve seen him before somewhere.. " - Gareth

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Tuesday 20th August 2024

Heads in the clouds

Good morning from Pio the cat, who until recently had lived in our cabin, we granted her visiting rights.

The day began with a trip to the Mauna Kea volcano, via the Humu'ula trail, a drive to the visitors centre, where we had to acclimatise to the thin air and altitude for 30 minutes, after a list of instructions from the resident ranger, we finished the journey to the top.

The Sci Fi style landscape is home to a collection of observatories, owned by a number of nations including the US, Hawaii and a host of other countries.

At just under 13.5 thousand feet the summit leaves visitors light headed and dizzy, no wonder the native people have certain areas closed to the public for their rituals, like this alter at the highest point.

The lack of light polution here, on this estimated 1 million year old rock, make it an ideal spot for scientific star gazing.

Unfortunately no tours of the observatories are available right now.

A short stroll around Rainbow Falls look out.

A pretty little area, spoilt by the constant coming & going of tour buses.

Akaka Falls, our final stop.

Only part of the loop was available today, with construction crews working on the walkways around the 2nd set of falls.

We are at a new cabin for 2 nights, with a tiny bathroom and not much of a kitchen area. ( No cats either !)

So off to the Thai Restaurant less than a minutes drive away, I tried the Pineapple Cider, not bad ! Another orchestra of birds and rainforest beasts to sing us to sleep, after our long day.

Good night dear reader..Tweet tweet xx

Comments: (2)

"Well hello from Turkey you triplooks amazing so far. I hope Hawaï brings you lots of fun and great memories. My memories are being wiped out by cocktails! Loads of love Caz xxx " - Caroline

"enjoyed the details about the volcano and the meow meow! falls look spectacular too! " - Gareth

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Wednesday 21st August 2024

Volcanos National Park

The first volcano of the day was Mauna Loa.

The visitors centre was not even open when we arrived, we grabbed a map and headed to the Kaluapele Caldera.

We had a choice of trails and thought we had chosen the devastation highway, a trail on the former rim road, which was rendered unusable during the 1980 eruptions.

Another exquisite flower dotted everywhere on our trail.

We had mistakenly chosen the Byron Ledge Trail, which gave us a pretty rainforest route along the rim.

We spied the buildings housing the seismology equiptment, used to monitor the activity below the crust.

This area has been subject to continuous volcanic activity, pretty much since the first lava solidified above the surface of the ocean.

The Kaluapele Caldera covers a wide area, we approached from the visitors centre and experienced the many steam vents.

This area gives the visitor the biggest sense of transformation, the summit itself having erupted 11 months ago! We saw photos of the aftermath, and signs that the deep wells of lava are now refilling signifigantly.. Another eruption is on the horizon.

This 6 ton boulder shot half a mile up into the air during the last eruption, and fell to earth right here..Yards from the viewpoint.

The Hawaiian people await the next eruption, their beliefs intertwined with the spirits they believe inhabit these volcanoes.

A rainforest hot tub at our Aloha Lodge Hotel.

The Kilauea Lodge Hotel & Restaurant hosted our dinner tonight, Ian has Chicken Taco Soup, Rosemary encrusted Rib Eye and Cheesecake..

I had some Hawaiian wine "Volcano Blush" and the local fish, all very yummy.

Well goodnight dearest reader, stay with us not far to go now!

Sleep well xx

Comments: (1)

"Ian looks like he\'s having a good time! " - Gareth

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Thursday 22nd August 2024

Back to Kona

Goodbye Aloha mini cabin, the rain is falling steadily.

First stop Punalu'u Black Sand Beach Park. The sun has come out too!

Home to the Hawaiian Giant Green Sea Turtle, on the endangered list and highly protected, we cannot be closer than 20 feet to them.

The beach is made up of glittery course black sand, derived from the lava.

We ate an early lunch at another food truck, Mexican dishes Taco's, Burritos, Quesadias and many dishes we barely recognised.

Along our route were a selection of view points, vast fields of lava flow dominate the landscape. The sea seems darker than you would expect, probably due to the black sea bed.

Quite a wilderness, seems only the wild goats choose this as their home.

Even the goats are finding todays heat quite overwhelming.

Pu'Uhonua O Honaunau National Historic park.

We took a self guided tour of this holy place.

This is a reconstruction of a game played in ancient times, much like solitaire.

These replica carved effigies, are dotted around the sanctuary area.

Their skills are proudly displayed, in constructing buildings, boats and other essential objects.

2 nights in a normal hotel, The Pacific 19 very near to the Kona beach pier.

A refreshing dip in their rather nice pool, before getting ready to go out.

The Kona Brewing company came highly recommended.

An easy 5 minute walk from the hotel, Ian & I shared a pizza and tried some locally brewed ales.

Goodnight Dear reader, more nonsence tomorrow no doubt.. Sleep well xx

Comments: (2)

"I like your gold nail varnish!! " - Gareth

"Those sea turtles look seriously depressed!" - Anne

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Friday 23rd August 2024

Waialea Beach day & Captain Cooks Dinner Cruise.

As our jeep came with a very efficient cooler box, a beach umbrella and 2 beach chairs, we thought it only fair to have a beach day.

The choppy waves in this tiny bay, make for ideal for surf jumping.

A sandwich and some lovely grapes, was an early lunch ( in the beach chairs ).

We attracted a flock of sparrows, anxious to join us for lunch.

The tide was high, we moved our camp several times to higher ground as the waves crept ever closer.

How's this for a morning view? This and a young man trying to teach himself to surf, he's going to ache later.

Back to the hotel for a very quick shower & off on a cruise.

Captain Cooks dinner cruise, a 3 minute walk from our hotel.

Our complimentary cocktails, Ians Hawaiian long island ice tea & my purple thing ( I didn't care what it was as long as it came with a flower, but it only came with a slice of dried orange).

We had a lovely lady in a traditional headress, telling tales of the lore of the gods & their time in the Kailua Bay, and a Hawaiian guitarist who sang covers of popular songs and Hawaiian favorites.

Bear Beer A-belia, Ian loved this beer can and its logitude & lattitude design, If you have an hour or 2 to spare, ask him to take you through the signifigance...

The legend of the fire god Pele, she is apparently alive and well in this cliff face, ( see her eyes just to the left of the post, she didn't win any beauty contests ).

The Captain Cook monument a link to the UK , a tiny tract of land here is officially british soil. The laundry adorning the railings is not part of the monument,

On the journey back we encountered a school of playful dolphins.

The cruise took in the setting of the sun, providing a great photo opportunity.

Back at the hotel, it's time to try to repack the cases for tomorrows flight.

More adventures as we head off to O'Ahu ( The Island with Honalulu on it ).

Sleep well dear reader, & Bon Voyage Big Island xx

Comments: (1)

"the bay you visited at the beginning of this looks incredible!! what an amazing part of the trip!" - Gareth

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Saturday 24th August 2024

Island hopping with Tropical Storm Hone

After dropping our Jeep back, we had a complimentary taxi to the airport.

The airport in Kona is a weird cross between a cattle market and a low tech shopping village, The temperature seemed to be spiking, as the breeze dropped.

The bags were transported to our plane, a lovely old antique Boeing 717, which had literally just arrived from another island.
Not the sort of planes my Brothers JB & Al pilot!

We watched the progress of tropical storm Hone, it looks like the other side of the island will bear its brunt.

Time to be herded aboard, for an hours flight to O'Ahu.

We now have an enormous Chevrolet Traverse, which so far has used no fuel, we hope it is magic!

Quite different terraine, something slightly jurassic about the lush green covering to the hills..Low ominous clouds are hanging about.

We checked into our Courtyard Marriott Hotel, we are blessed with a room right next to the exit door, a few paces from the ice machine & only 20 paces from the guest laundry, I couldn't be more stoked!
Out to "Pounders" a typical US eatery, my burger was the bomb.

We enjoyed a mediocre meal, which was all a little disappointing other than the excellent Burger mentioned before.

Well goodnight dear reader, Especially the ever observant Gareth, glad you like the nail polish : )

See you all on the up side.

Comments: (1)

"it did look Jurassic! I enjoy a green canopy of trees! " - Gareth

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Sunday 25th August 2024

Jurassic World at Kualoa Ranch

A glamorous picture of us about to start our UTV tour at Kualoa Ranch.

The 2 hour adventure set off from the highly organized visitors centre. They have horseback riding, E bikes and bus tours to suit all tastes.

As we drove up the narrow roads, we passed abandoned sets, many from the "Jurassic" films series.

The Original Jurassic Park movie, was mainly filmed on the Island of Hawaii only about 5% here, however the guides say they are happy to take 100% of the credit.

We made several schedules stops at areas of interest, as you can see Tropical storm Hone is creeping towards the island.
The locals used this silhouette for navigation in bygone days, the 2 sides meeting at the dormant volcano, reminding them of 2 waves crashing together.

This vista was used in the 2nd film, Jurassic World CGI moved the volcano to the right and added some lava to simulate an eruption.

The characters run from this doorway, having restored power in order to release the dinosaurs.

Then run down the valley to the sea, which is magically right there.

Unfortunately this dinosaur didn't make it,

The original entrance way to Jurassic Park.

Kong Skull Island is another blockbuster filmed here, leaving an abandoned Helecopter for us to see.

The latter part of the trip allowed for a more thrilling drive.

Another prop, with its warning sticker shredded by dino claws.

The weather is cooler, with showers and dark clouds..Perfect day for the pool!

We won't go far tonight dear reader, everything is shut as it is Sunday too.

Sleep well and we will see what tomorrow brings. xx

Comments: (1)

"woah this is exciting! i feel that the cage thing and the helicopter were my fav! " - Gareth

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Monday 26th August 2024

Polynesian Cultural whirlwind

Disclaimer..If you are easily bored please skip todays blog, there are about a hundred entries!!

We weren't due at the cultural centre til after noon so we went for a drive, found a souvenir market and a Temple.

We arrived at the centre and as VIP's we went to a reception tent with sofas, snacks and drinks, to await our private tour guide.

We were escorted to our reserved seats at the welcome parade.

This water extravaganza introduces all of the island nations, that feature in the experience.

The centre takes you on a whistle stop tour of the Polynesian Islands, highlighting their unique traditions and talents.

Samoa.. Meet Kap, he entertained us with his witty banter, after the show we watched him climb to the top of a coconut tree.

He's also a talented artist with a gallery on site.

He and his team created fire from 2 sticks, lit some coconut husk & he put it out with bare feet!

Aotearoa, AKA New Zealand..The Maori tell their tales and remember their ancestors through architectural carving.
This building constructed in New Zealand was erected here in 1963.
Much of the carving was done by the the grandfather of the young man who took us round the carving exhibit.

Toi Whakairo Exhibit, The art of carving.
They use many mediums to create their art wood, shells & bone.There was also an interesting showcase on face carving, illustrating both men & women bearing these fearsome scars.

We also tried the art of Poi swinging balls, formerly filled with rocks.

On to a relaxing canoe ride, no life vests needed in the 2 ft deep canal.

Tahiti..A colourful display of local dancing and details of the crafts produced in the various areas. We sampled the delicious coconut bread.

Meet Syamala, from Tesol India, She's studying to be a teacher at the University behind the centre.
She & her family ( Hubby doing business studies, and 2 small children ) live in Hawaii for now, she is having another baby in November.

Pretty much all of the staff and performers are students, the money generated by the centre funds the university and the Students earn money from their jobs.

We visited a wonderful reproduction of Queen Lili'uokalani's hut,
and this is us with a reproduction chief.

Fiji..considered the romantic island.

This gigantic replica of a traditional Fijian ship, used by the students at the University and taken on a trip round the Hawaiian Islands periodically as part of their studies.

Tonga.. A humerous take on traditional drumming, audiance members were selected to assist the cast.

Syamala, helped us to make Hawaiian toys a small windmill from palm leaves.
She also dashed ahead to reserve us front row seats at each of the shows and attractions.

Before saying goodbye to Syamala, we had a short Ukelele lesson from some lovely local ladies, we played an astonishingly bad chorus of " You are my sunshine".

Now to the Lu'au, a grand buffet with Imu Pua'a (roast suckling pig) and a host of other local delicacies, including Hawaiian sweet potatoes, local fish and shrimp cooked in various sauces.

We enjoyed non alcoholic Pina Coladas from hollow pineapples, while watching more dancing, telling the tale of Queen Lili'uokalani, Hawaii's last ruling monarch.

Final step of the journey, the evening show HA:Breath of life, in the pacific theatre on site.

The tale of  a family in the Polynesian Islands, covers an entire lifetime for our hero.
No photos during the show of course, but ample opportunity for some snaps with the cast afterwards, on the actual stage!

The finale features almost the entire cast juggling and spinning fire, quite a spectacular end to a fascinating day.

If any of you have made it this far dear reader, bravo!

Good night, see you on the far side xx

Comments: (3)

"All looks fantastic and I\'m in awe of your enthusiasm and energy. Safe trip home." - Anne

"All looks fantastic and I\'m in awe of your enthusiasm and energy. Safe trip home." - Anne

"This feels like quite the festivity!! would hate to think they are running this on rotation for all the guests to the island would be quite tiring for them!! " - Gareth

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Tuesday 27th August 2024

North shore

Today we started slow..With a leisurely breakfast at the hotel, followed by a road trip north,

The beaches, whilst spectacular, are not very swimmer friendly.

We stopped for a few strolls, and a look at the stunning scenery.

On the way back we stopped at the souvenir site, we enjoyed an Ice cream and a churro from one of the many food trucks.

His majesty lounged in his pool side cabana, while the "staff" did the final load of laundry for this trip.

Our hotel was hosting a mass Hawaiian dancing lesson, followed by some singing & ended with a prayer.. These folks really do it right.

Just a few minutes away was the Laie Chop Suey house. I have to say this meal was one of the best on this adventure.

Off to Honalulu tomorrow, so an early night for us dear reader.. Sleep well ( or get up ) if you're on the other side of the pond xx

Comments: (2)

"You\'ve got some staying power! Just when I thought it was all over ..." - Anne

"I hope staff was well rewarded for all the washing!! looks like a great day !! " - Gareth

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Wednesday 28th August 2024

Pearl Harbour

Goodbye lovely Marriott hotel, certainly one of the all time nicest hotels on our travels.

Today was history day with a hint of reflection, at Pearl Harbour.

We watched a film presentation filled with 1940's news reel footage and an informative commentary, setting the scene for this pivotal event.

Then on to a tender, to ship us over to the memorial for the USS Arizona, the active service personnel manning our boat, are listed officially as crew of the long since sunken ship.

The memorial is set across the rusting submerged wreckage, the outline of the stricken vessel can be made out and is marked by buoys, to signify the full length of the ship.

The base of gun turret no3 is a striking landmark, survivors of the tragedy can elect to have their cremains interred in the base of gun turret no4 if they choose, the last survivor passed April 24 so no further ashes will be rejoining their fallen ship mates.

On Dec 7th 1941 the Japanese fleet completed an unexpected 3000+ mile voyage across the ocean, and sent waves of planes to decimate the air force & Naval bases on the Island of O'Ahu, Pearl Harbour was on that day, home to a large proportion of the US fleet.

21 ships were sunk or damaged on that fateful day, many hundreds of lives lost, 1177 on the Arizona alone, around 900 are still entombed on the ship, as one bomb detonated the Arizonas forward magazine, igniting tons of amunition resulting in a giant fireball, which lifted the ship 30 feet into the air. The fires raged for nearly 3 days reaching temperatures of 8000 degrees, reducing the dead to ashes.

83 years later oil is still rising to the surface from the wreck, thousands of tons on this toxic goo was pumped aboard the vessel, the day before and remains in pockets to this day.

Of the 21 vessels sunk or damaged, all but 3 were salvaged and rejoined the fleet, at this point in history, refloating a sunken ship was all but unheard of.

The exhibit includes a submarine from the era.

Later in the day we joined a limited, ranger led, tour of Ford Island and its memorials. The bus took us on to the active US military base, after we went through a lengthy security clearance.. Showing our credit card to prove we bought the ticket.

The USS Utah is the 2nd vessel to meet her end in Pearl Harbour, after being hit she rolled onto her side & became wedged in the shallow silty harbour, rendering her impossible to save. Our guide told us tales of heroism from her crew members, many of whom were lost trying to save others.

The rusting hull again a watery grave for some. Bizzarely the wreck was used for some time as a site for gunnery practice for the Navy.

Last stop the memorial for the USS Oklahoma, no twisted wreckage to be seen here, just a neat row of marble columns, each inscribed with the names of the fallen.

The Oklahoma was sunk directly behind this memorial, right where the USS Missouri is at the rear of this snap. The position of the wreck was blocking the harbour & a decision was made to strip it & sell it for scrap, the junked ship sold for $46,000 to a razor blade manufacturer, a good sum in 1940's. A kick in the teeth however for servicemen who lost friends on this stricken vessel. The ship was being towed to California when it encountered a storm, the tow ropes had to be cut & the Oklahoma sank again in the Pacific.

Quotes from Shakespeare and ex US Presidents, stir the emotions.

After a rush hour crawl to Waikiki Beach, and our final Hawaiian hotel of this tour, we headed out for a stroll along the prom and a colourful cocktail.

Swordfish & Clams for me & Baby back ribs for himself..
He's snoozing as I finish todays lengthy episode, thanks for travalling along dear reader, sleep well & we will bring you another chapter tomorrow xx

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"Learnt a lot from reading that!" - Anne

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Thursday 29th August 2024

Iolani Palace tour

The supermarket near our hotel provides an excellent budget breakfast, and a roadside balcony to eat it from.

Waikiki beach in daylight is much like any other holiday resort, busy & slightly frayed. We watched the bathers, several of whom had been stung by jellyfish, much as the signs warned.

Back at the hotel we spent an hour in the pool & spa, we had been admiring from our balcony.

We had a 3pm booking on the " Chamberlains tour" at the Iolani Palace.

The 2 hour tour began in the entrance hall, these stunning Crystal windows are etched beautifully and bear the royal motto.

The alcoves are filled with some of the gifts given to the royal family, on their various tours.

The walls are set with portraits of the royal family, 5 kings and some queens all part of Hawaii's short regal history. These 2 unlucky souls perished on a visit to England from the measles.

Our tour was narrated by the amazing Hardy, clearly at least 80 years old, he took this job following a long career in teaching & the civil service. His encyclopedic knowledge left us in awe.

The throne room.. Hawaii was run by a series of chiefs based on the 5 main islands, until the 1st king decided that a sovereign was a far better idea, he conquered all but 2 islands & invited the 2 final chiefs to visit him & made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

When the last royal ruler was overthrown by a group of militant Islanders, fed up with a monarchy, the palace was sacked and most of its interiors looted, these old snaps helped the restoration team replicate the original interiors.

The last Queen Lili'uokalani, was actually held prisoner in this palace after the coup.

Queen  Lili'uokalani's coronation gown.

Another faithfull reproduction of a Peacock feather embellished gown, worn by the queen in London, whilst meeting Queen Victoria and celebrating her Jubilee.

Our guide is 1 of 3 "chamberlains" employed by the palace, In their day the chamberlain was a trusted financial advisor and friend to the king or queen.

The palace has taken 10 years, to restore from disrepair to the stunning example we see today. The main enemy to historic buildings here are termites and flaking plaster.

We didn't go far tonight and ended up in Herringbones in the International centre next door.

Goodnight dear reader, it will probably be a slow news day tomorrow, however we will try to check in with y'all xx

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Friday 30th August 2024

The end is nigh

A trip to the supermarket opposite for a banana for him and a lemon iced tea for me, before heading back to the airport to return our car, we'd only clocked up 200 miles.

The day was once again overcast, the leading edge of another tropical storm or similar, Maureen ( our trusty sat nav ) misdirected onto Hickam air force base, i'm guessing a common occurance as the armed guards were unfazed by us.

Upon arrival at the airport we had some time to kill, so a couple of beers and a sandwich.

6 ish hours later we are back in LAX, the baggage claim was about a 5 mile walk from our stand.. eventually we are outside trying to spot our transfer shuttle to the Hyatt.

We ordered an Uber eats, Pizza hut pizza, delivered by Anthony with the most amazing afro.

Our room overlooks the airport and a vast parking fascility. After our bed picnic, there was time to watch Space X's latest launch before a well deserved sleep.

Good night dear reader, hope Doncaster gets some fair weather tomorrow, as my ever chilly sister and family are on their holibobs. xx

Comments: (1)

"Who puts the itinerary together? You certainly seem to have it all worked out. It\'s been a long haul in more ways than one." - Anne

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Saturday 31st August 2024

The end

Boo!! The very last morning, complimentary breakfast at the Hyatt. We arrived just at the end of service after a fitful nights sleep.

A lazy day by the pool, using up the hours before we fly.

From our vantage point on top of the building, we could see the comings and goings on the runways.

The pool was not busy, and no one seemed to notice we'd been there all day.

A final drink in the hotel bar before catching the shuttle to the airport.
Well dear reader time for the credits.

Organising the trip - Bear
Costumes - Me
Costco promotion - Ben
Special effects - Hollie
Animal Wrangler- Auntie Chris
Wittiest Commentator - Gareth

Thanks once again for joining us for this epic.. Loved the comments from you all xx

Comments: (1)

"What an amazing adventure. " - Biz

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