USA 2024 The 3 Bears +1
Show all days on one page (a long download!)
Day 1: Ticket to ride.   (Sunday 4th August 2024)
Day 2: Death Valley the tour   (Monday 5th August 2024)
Day 3: Vegas to Peacemaker Ranch   (Tuesday 6th August 2024)
Day 4: Goodbye Apple Valley   (Wednesday 7th August 2024)
Day 5: UTV Adventures   (Thursday 8th August 2024)
Day 6: Westwater White water rafting   (Friday 9th August 2024)
Day 7: Jamie The Nutty Navajo   (Saturday 10th August 2024)
Day 8: The Grandest of Canyons   (Sunday 11th August 2024)
Day 9: White Wolf and the flat earth   (Monday 12th August 2024)
Day 10: Hello to my favourite Cacti the Saguaros   (Tuesday 13th August 2024)
Day 11: Tombstone our 2nd home   (Wednesday 14th August 2024)
Day 12: The longest drive   (Thursday 15th August 2024)
Day 13: Star Wars The Rise of the Resistance.   (Friday 16th August 2024)
Day 14: Disney's Calfornia Adventure   (Saturday 17th August 2024)
Day 15: Aloha from Big Island.   (Sunday 18th August 2024)
Day 16: Waipio Valley tour   (Monday 19th August 2024)
Day 17: Heads in the clouds   (Tuesday 20th August 2024)
Day 18: Volcanos National Park   (Wednesday 21st August 2024)
Day 19: Back to Kona   (Thursday 22nd August 2024)
Day 20: Waialea Beach day & Captain Cooks Dinner Cruise.   (Friday 23rd August 2024)
Day 21: Island hopping with Tropical Storm Hone   (Saturday 24th August 2024)
Day 22: Jurassic World at Kualoa Ranch   (Sunday 25th August 2024)
Day 23: Polynesian Cultural whirlwind   (Monday 26th August 2024)
Day 24: North shore   (Tuesday 27th August 2024)
Wednesday 28th August 2024

Pearl Harbour

Goodbye lovely Marriott hotel, certainly one of the all time nicest hotels on our travels.

Today was history day with a hint of reflection, at Pearl Harbour.

We watched a film presentation filled with 1940's news reel footage and an informative commentary, setting the scene for this pivotal event.

Then on to a tender, to ship us over to the memorial for the USS Arizona, the active service personnel manning our boat, are listed officially as crew of the long since sunken ship.

The memorial is set across the rusting submerged wreckage, the outline of the stricken vessel can be made out and is marked by buoys, to signify the full length of the ship.

The base of gun turret no3 is a striking landmark, survivors of the tragedy can elect to have their cremains interred in the base of gun turret no4 if they choose, the last survivor passed April 24 so no further ashes will be rejoining their fallen ship mates.

On Dec 7th 1941 the Japanese fleet completed an unexpected 3000+ mile voyage across the ocean, and sent waves of planes to decimate the air force & Naval bases on the Island of O'Ahu, Pearl Harbour was on that day, home to a large proportion of the US fleet.

21 ships were sunk or damaged on that fateful day, many hundreds of lives lost, 1177 on the Arizona alone, around 900 are still entombed on the ship, as one bomb detonated the Arizonas forward magazine, igniting tons of amunition resulting in a giant fireball, which lifted the ship 30 feet into the air. The fires raged for nearly 3 days reaching temperatures of 8000 degrees, reducing the dead to ashes.

83 years later oil is still rising to the surface from the wreck, thousands of tons on this toxic goo was pumped aboard the vessel, the day before and remains in pockets to this day.

Of the 21 vessels sunk or damaged, all but 3 were salvaged and rejoined the fleet, at this point in history, refloating a sunken ship was all but unheard of.

The exhibit includes a submarine from the era.

Later in the day we joined a limited, ranger led, tour of Ford Island and its memorials. The bus took us on to the active US military base, after we went through a lengthy security clearance.. Showing our credit card to prove we bought the ticket.

The USS Utah is the 2nd vessel to meet her end in Pearl Harbour, after being hit she rolled onto her side & became wedged in the shallow silty harbour, rendering her impossible to save. Our guide told us tales of heroism from her crew members, many of whom were lost trying to save others.

The rusting hull again a watery grave for some. Bizzarely the wreck was used for some time as a site for gunnery practice for the Navy.

Last stop the memorial for the USS Oklahoma, no twisted wreckage to be seen here, just a neat row of marble columns, each inscribed with the names of the fallen.

The Oklahoma was sunk directly behind this memorial, right where the USS Missouri is at the rear of this snap. The position of the wreck was blocking the harbour & a decision was made to strip it & sell it for scrap, the junked ship sold for $46,000 to a razor blade manufacturer, a good sum in 1940's. A kick in the teeth however for servicemen who lost friends on this stricken vessel. The ship was being towed to California when it encountered a storm, the tow ropes had to be cut & the Oklahoma sank again in the Pacific.

Quotes from Shakespeare and ex US Presidents, stir the emotions.

After a rush hour crawl to Waikiki Beach, and our final Hawaiian hotel of this tour, we headed out for a stroll along the prom and a colourful cocktail.

Swordfish & Clams for me & Baby back ribs for himself..
He's snoozing as I finish todays lengthy episode, thanks for travalling along dear reader, sleep well & we will bring you another chapter tomorrow xx

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"Learnt a lot from reading that!" - Anne

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Day 26: Iolani Palace tour   (Thursday 29th August 2024)
Day 27: The end is nigh   (Friday 30th August 2024)
Day 28: The end   (Saturday 31st August 2024)